Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning

I have a new dilemma, as a new mama - my peak creative time is night.

And by night, I mean morning, as in 2 - 4 a.m.

Well, my darling baby sleeps quite unpredictably but I can still predict that me being up until 4 a.m. when he tends to rise around 6 or 7ish is only going to bring out the worst in me. And definitely nothing creative. So I'm having to try super-hard to start my creative process earlier but I seem to do nothing but refresh Twitter and read random blogs until around 10:30 p.m. before my creativity just starts to emerge. And then, at 11 p.m., it's time for bed.

I typically don't end up going to bed until 1 a.m. or later but the less-than-five hours of sleep is beginning to wear on me - especially since I know if I did start work earlier, I could be getting seven to eight hours a night! Heaven.

Any advice would be most welcome. And as for you, what is your peak creative time?


  1. My creative time is the 2-4am area, too... I know what you're going through, though, because up until last year i used to do art shows each summer which required me to be out of bed and dressed by 5-6am, and I usually hadn't even been asleep for more than an hour or two. It is so hard to adjust your schedule, especially if your brain has its own clock for turning on the creative juices :\

    I think I would try changing my schedule to go to bed around 12ish, and move everything back a couple hours... eat dinner earlier, do your twitter and blog surfing earlier, so that by 9pm it's already dark out, and maybe you've tricked your body into thinking it's time to get creative!

  2. I don't have any advice, I'm still struggling with it myself. Not only I need my sleep, but also my neighbours won't like me playing after 11 pm (let alone 2-4 am, haha).

  3. That's one of the hardest dilema I had when I just had my Mili and now, when she's almost 3, I have to admit I still haven't figured it out.
    I'm at my best in the morning but I don't have them anymore.
    I'm trying to do work in the afternoon when my husband gets home and than blog, social networks and emails on if I have time at the evening.
    I have no good advice other than be patient and attentive both for your needs (both body needs and professional) and your baby. It is a long run and it take time to adjust but creative people, as they are creative, usually figure it out :)

    Wishing you a productive and quiet week and good night sleep!!

  4. Oh, you are a new mom? Congratulations.
    I stumbled upon your music because I was looking for soft music for my little one (born this very April). I had the "Would you?" melody in my head, so I checked out youtube to find a good version of it and I found yours. I thought you were just some amateur who records themselves for Youtube and I was really wondering how I could get a hold of your version cause I really like it. Then I found this site and discovered that you also write songs yourself and lullabies too for that matter! Big thumbs up!


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