Tuesday, March 6, 2012

There's something wonderful in you

Hello! This is Sally from Flying Down to Hollywood, doing a guest post tonight. I hope everyone is doing well!

Today, we note the passing of legendary songwriter, Robert Sherman. Now, rather than write a sad post about it, I wanted to concentrate on the wonderful work of Robert Sherman (together with his brother, Richard). Their songs were touching, inspiring, magical, and witty. It's possible that, years from now, some clever scholar will conduct research about how every Sherman brothers' song has a touch of sadness to it (I have heard that said), and yet it cannot be denied that every Sherman brothers' song has a definite message of hope to it. I'm quite sure that you can pick any song out of their catalog and find at least a glimmer of hope in each (there may be a couple of exceptions to the rule in their parodies). Here is an example, one of my favorites of their songs: "The Age of Not Believing" from Bedknobs and Broomsticks. The lyrics in this song move me tears practically every time I listen to it. The simple, beautiful message that your faith in the world, in magic, in the impossible rests entirely on your faith in yourself, resonates very deeply - and is just a taste of the genius of these two men.

And, since we've talked about their deeper, more moving themes, let's skip on over to their lighter, charming pieces, shall we? From the same film, here's "Substitutiary Locomotion." Enjoy!


  1. What wonderful, beautiful songs!

  2. How sad! The Sherman Brothers were amazing composers and song writers, this is tragic news indeed!

  3. nice video thanks for sharing it with us....


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