Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Woman that No Man Can Resist

I had the uh-ma-zing opportunity over the last couple weeks to record with a group of Full Sail students for a project of theirs.  They got to choose an artist (me!), rerecord one of their songs, create a video and then a full press kit (bio, photos, etc.).  So, I was the lucky girl and had a completely fun time doing every step of it - especially recording on a grand piano (yum).  The song they chose to do was Kind of Woman and though I'll be posting up the new video and song soon, I thought I'd post up the original so you can compare and contrast.

This YouTube video was put together by the one and only vespersaw (the prolific Emma-fanvid-creator).


  1. This is wonderful, I totally loved it :) Hope you're having a great week so far!

  2. That video is one of my absolute favorites.

  3. Dearest sweet Emma, this is wonderful!! Oh and i love that song and video. Have a lovely merry happy sunday and love to you!

  4. That sounds like it was fun! I love this video BTW, so awesome!

  5. This is... hum... PERFECT! Loved it!


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