Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Stuff of Fairy Tales

Soooo... my new album, The Stuff of Fairy Tales is out!  Out, I tell you!  Head on over to iTunes to pick up a copy.  And then, please write a sweet review!


Christianna at The Girl with the Blue Bow is hosting a wonderful blog party celebrating my record release!  

Please visit all the delightful bloggers who contributed to the party by interviews, reviews, giveaways and even a video!  

Christianna from The Girl With The Blue Bow:  Album review + video by me!

Laura from The Blog Of Worldly Delights: Q&A with me and a giveaway!

Erica from Sweets and Hearts: Fashion feature with me!  

Kate Gabrielle from Scathingly Brilliant: An animation (no, really) to one of my songs!

Ruth from A Miusmie: Interview with me about the literary and philosophical angles of my music.


  1. Emma, love the video that you did and congratulations on your new album!

  2. Congrats my dear friend! I'm glad the party is going so well! Yay!

  3. Just heard your song and LOVE it!!! Congratulations on a successful album.


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