Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Feel Pretty...

My home page designed by Kate Gabrielle!
I am sure I've gabbed on and on about my fab-yoo-luss new website and I feel like those of you who are in the market for fabulosity should consult my absolutely amazing blog designer, Miss Kate Gabrielle.  

The exciting thing is - she has partnered up with Casey who is a wiz with WordPress to create Scathingly Brilliant Blog Design so now, no matter what your platform is for your blog or website, you can have a dazzling design from these delightful dames.  

Here are some of the sites they've done (beside mine, of course!):

P.S. Hopefully we will have a new Rose-Colored Radio Show up on Friday so be sure to come back by and delight your ears!


  1. Dearest sweet emma, happy new year!! Did i mention how much i love your new website??? I do i do!! They did a fantastic job. I'm back from vacation and slowly getting back to my routine. Have a lovely merry happy day and love to yoU!

  2. Great home page! They're talented!

  3. i LOVE your site's design! yes, the homepage is beautiful! they did a fabulous job. xoxo

  4. Your homepage is fabulous!! I love the other designs too. They're so vintage-y and cute!


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