Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Season Break

First, go by the Girl with the Blue Bow's blog!  She has a delightful write-up of me!  She also has a fun and entertaining blog.  You are encouraged to read other posts than just the glowing one of my music.

Sooo...  My radio show, (Rose-Colored, to be exact) has been running since June (and boy is it exhausted.  Haha).  And I, the chief talker/composer/editor/recorder of it am working on a slew of new projects.  So I may take a brief break - so fast that you might miss it if you blink!  If you blink pretty slowly, at least.

Until then, I hope you enjoy this great photo!  And catch up on back issues here.


  1. Thanks so much for the very sweet shout out Emma! This made my day!

  2. Boooooooooo! I want more radio show! lol Totally understand the break of course, but I will be happy when it's back! :D

  3. Dearest sweet Emma, you are AMAZING!! I always LOVE and look forward to your radio show. :) Thank YOU so much for sharing and entertaining all of us! Yes i am going to catch up on back posts. :) Have a wonderful merry happy break and a beautiful weekend! Love to you!


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