Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Meet Ms. Laveaux

Today I'm part of a blog release party hosted by Christianna at the Girl with the Blue Bow.  We're all talking about the brand new jazz-pop artist, Ms. Heather Laveaux.  Her EP "3 Octave Martini" is available today from her website and on Amazon and iTunes!

1.Today is super exciting because it's your debut EP's release date!  Tell us a little about it.

This EP serves as a musical snapshot of who I am and how I sound. Although I have musical tastes that cover the gamut, I feel most at home singing  what I call "lounge pop." It's a little jazz, a little blues, with sprinkles of pop, soul, gospel, and country that come together beautifully but refuse to fit neatly into a single genre.
Listen to samples here!

2.  Which song is your favorite?  What inspired you to write it?

Tough question - I suppose it's like choosing your favorite child. The original songs were all inspired by personal experiences and observations, so there is a strong connection with each one. I love the arrangement of "Anything" and the retro feel of "Mornin,'" but "Never" has the most "heart pouring" on it. It sums up much of who I am in under 4 minutes. Crazy what music can do in a few minutes that years of therapy can only dream about!

3.  Who would you love to have a songwriting jam with?  Who would you love to perform a duet with?

So many greats come to mind, but I would have to say either Elton John/Bernie Taupin or Billy Joel. Or James Taylor. Or Van Morrison. Or David Bowie. It would be an honor to perform with any of the musicians I have admired and loved over the years - seems like a cheeseball answer, but it's true!

4.  You live in Florida and are from Louisiana.  How have both of those places been an influence on your music?  Any other places that inspire you?

Louisiana is a beautiful state with great history, beautiful nature,  and cultural influences in art, music, and architecture. I'm definitely a "steel magnolia" full of Southern charm and hospitality who loves the grandeur of antebellum homes, cypress trees, and slowly spoken statements; however, it didn't feel like home to me the way Florida does. Looking across the waters of the Gulf and being able to get lost in my own thoughts is the closest thing to Heaven on Earth, I've ever found. It's really the one place I am most able to find peace and inspiration.

5.  We know you can sing beautifully and pen a smashing song - what other ways do you creatively express yourself?

Photography. I've spent hours at a time taking walks and shooting nature, scenery, anything that caught my attention. I'm almost as passionate with a camera as I am with a microphone.

6.  Okay. So your EP is going crazy and everyone is downloading it from iTunes and singing it in their car.  Ten different shows call you up to perform on them.  What is your ideal show to perform on?

Since I cannot clone myself (allowing mankind to dodge a bullet), I would have to say DWTS - I think everyone in the world watches that! Besides, dance is the natural extension of music, so it would fit.

7.  This blog is all about happy so here are some happy questions!  What is your favorite get-happy tune?  Who do you listen to when you want to cheer yourself up?  

Anything from 80's dance music or hair metal makes me smile. You can never go wrong with Prince, Def Leppard, Depeche Mode, or Cyndi Lauper! (As a side note, I inexplicably know almost every classic Country drinking song. Environmental osmosis, maybe?)

8.  Musicians are known for their idealism.  How would you like to make the world a better place?

My singular achilles is animal cruelty. As the proud parent of three fantastic Great Danes, I can't fathom how anyone abuses, neglects, or delights in the cruelty of another living being.

9.  And my essential question - describe your ideal morning/afternoon/evening!

My perfect day would be: waking up to the sounds of the waves crashing on the sand, watching the sunrise over the water, eating birthday cake for breakfast, napping in a hammock, lunch & shopping with friends, dinner with fireworks, and coming home to 3 sweet pups and a handsome man for dessert (and fireworks).

Thank you so much, Ms. Laveaux!  So excited to buy your new EP!  And for you readers who want more (and I know you all do!), visit one of the other blogs doing a special post about Ms. Laveaux!  Find out about her style, her inspiration, her artwork, even win a copy of the EP and more!

Sweets & Harts - Fashion File with Heather

Still want to know more about Ms. Laveaux?  Check out her links here!


  1. What a great interview, loved "meeting" Heather!

  2. Emma, thanks so much for helping us out today! I loved reading this interview! It was great to get to know Heather a little better!

  3. What a lovely interview! Heather sounds awesome and totally someone I would be a BFF with!!

  4. So wonderful to see you involved in Heather Laveaux's music! I love that she listens to 80's dance music. ;D

    Also: I've been a fan of your music since Christianna posted about it on her blog/recommended it! I ended up buying "Temptation" and it has been on my playlist since then. I'm so happy to discover new music!



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