Thursday, May 10, 2012


So, as I'm sure you aren't able to forget, due to the emails from every retail place that exists, Mothers' Day is on Sunday.  If you happen to have a friend who is a mama-to-be, getting her a gift would be unexpected but would endear her to you for life.  And who doesn't want that?  

Here are a couple ideas for sweet gifts for someone who is expecting:

1.  Epsom salts - perfect for achey, swollen feet.  And if she's one of those amazing women who wear heels throughout their pregnancy, she'll need it even more.
2.  Oil - there are a ton of options for moisturizing sore and itchy pregnant skin but what I ended up loving the most was this lime-infused organic olive oil I found at Whole Foods.  
From O Olive Oil

3.  Eye pillow - these are wonderful any time but when you're pregnant, you are limited in pain relief options so it's nice to have something natural at hand.
4.  A tank top with a shelf bra - I looooooved these for sleeping in when I was pregnant! 

From Gaiam

5.  Aaaand, a mommy mug.  That was my Mother's Day gift when I was pregnant and it made me so happy!

From Blackbird Studio UK

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